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Cabin waitlist

How it works

  • Guests interested in being on the waitlist must complete the form below.
  • The waitlist process takes place in the fall and consists of three rounds: Guests who have been on the waitlist the longest will be notified first (e.g. 8 or more years), followed by more recent request dates (e.g. 3-8 years), and ending with the most recent request dates (e.g. less than 3 years).
  • Waitlist notices will be sent by email showing all cabins available during the next year’s summer weeks. Recipients will be given a deadline to respond with their top three cabin choices (typically 7-10 days).
  • Guests who have been on the waitlist the longest are granted their first choice of cabin.
  • Guests whose requests are not fulfilled from one round will be included in subsequent rounds with the opportunity to request different cabins for different times.
  • Each round takes approximately 2-3 weeks to complete.
  • After the waitlist process, courtesy emails will be sent with notice of changes to cabin availability, granted on a first-come first-served basis.

Waitlist Policy

  • Entries on the waitlist are by request only (please fill out the form below).
  • One entry per family; fulfilled requests may be booked under an immediate family member’s name.
  • Standard booking policies apply to cabin rentals booked from the waitlist.
  • The waitlist and courtesy emails do not constitute a guarantee of a cabin booking for the specified time in any year.
  • Once a booking is made, the request is immediately removed from the waitlist.
  • Guests are eligible to be re-added to the waitlist with a new request date once a request is fulfilled.
  • Annually, an email will be sent requiring guests to submit a waitlist request to stay active. Guests who do not respond will removed from the list.

Waitlist Request Form

"*" indicates required fields

Would you like to receive courtesy emails from Zephyr Point?*
After the waitlist process, courtesy emails will be sent with notice of changes to cabin availability, granted on a first-come first-served basis.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.